Ian Davis

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41 High Street
N2L 3X7

Former Research Project Manager
Center for New OED and Text Research
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1

Phone (Office) +1 (519) 885-1211 (or 888-4567) x6200
Phone (Home) +1 (519) 884-1629 Fax: +1 (519) 885-1208
Email: ijdavis@db.uwaterloo.ca


B.Sc (1974) degree in Computer Science with Mathematics from Royal Holloway College, London University (U.K), an M.Sc. (1982) degree in Computer Science from University of Toronto, and a Ph.D (1988) from University of Waterloo.


  • G.E.Blake, M.P.Consens, I.J.Davis, P.Kilpeläinen, P.-A.Larson, E. Kuikka, T.Snider, and F.W.Tompa
    ``Text / Relational Database Management Systems: Overview and Proposed SQL Extensions,''
    Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo,
    Technical Report CS-95-25,
    June 1995, 28 pp. [postscript 268K]
  • I. J. Davis
    ``Adding Structured Text to SQL/MM Part 2: Full Text''
    Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo,
    SQL/MM Change Proposal LHR-24, CAC WG3 N334R2,
    February 12, 1996, 42 pp. [postscript 178k]
  • I. J. Davis
    ``A Fast Radix Sort''
    The Computer Journal Volume 35, No 6, pp 636-642

  • I. J. Davis and D. J. Taylor
    Local Correction of Mod(k) Lists
    Journal of Systems and Software
    (May 1990)

  • I. Davis
    Local Correction of Helix(k) Lists
    IEEE Transactions on Computers
    (May 1989)

  • I. J. Davis
    Error Correction in Robust Storage Structures
    Ph.D. Thesis

  • I. J. Davis
    A locally correctable AVL Tree
    Fault Tolerant Computing Symposium 17

  • I. J. Davis
    The MSQ Database System
    Honeywell Bulletin
    August 1987

  • I. J. Davis
    The MSQ Database System
    HLUSA Conference Phoenix

  • Towards Reliable File Systems
    M.Sc. Thesis